Daughter's Quick Action, Top Care Save Strathmore Mum

Meg Warren, 51, survived a cardiac arrest in December.

"I was at home, chatting with my eldest daughter Hannah when mid-sentence, I fell backwards," Meg said.

Hannah, 22, immediately called Triple Zero (000) and launched into cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), giving compressions to her mum for about six minutes before a Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) crew arrived, soon followed by Ambulance Victoria (AV) crews.

Younger daughter Abi, 17, was also home at the time and was able to tell the arriving emergency services what had happened and about her mum's medical history.

Paramedics delivered one shock with a defibrillator and the FRV crew continued CPR, and almost 30 minutes after the Triple Zero (000) call, Meg's pulse returned.

Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance (MICA) paramedics intubated Meg, allowing them to better manage her airway while she was rushed to hospital, still in a critical condition.

Meg spent just six days in hospital, where she was fitted with a pacemaker before being discharged home.

Now, just a few months later, she's back at work and has almost no lasting effects.

The Warren family reunited with paramedic Rwida Charrouf

The Warren family reunited with paramedic Rwida Charrouf. L-R: Tim and Abi Warren, Rwida Charrouf, Meg and Hannah Warren.

"I feel fantastic - I do rehab once a week and think I feel stronger now than I did beforehand," Meg said.

"The thing I'm most grateful for is that Hannah was so quick to start CPR, so I didn't have oxygen starvation of my brain.

"I've had no reduction of my faculties at all - once I woke up, I remember everything from my time in hospital and coming back to work, I've been able to keep up and haven't forgotten how to do anything.

"You bring kids into the world and you hope you can instill some kind of courage and bravery in them.

"To actually see it come into action in this way from both my daughters is just phenomenal.

"I'm lost for words at how much love and appreciation I have for these girls."

Meg was incredibly thankful to the paramedics, FRV crew and hospital staff who all played vital roles in her survival and recovery.

"I'd also like to say a big thank you to my husband Tim, for his support of me and the girls," Meg said.

"He has been a great sounding board for us all as we have navigated back to normality."

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