Davis Scholarship Debuts for Care-experienced PhDs

Durham University

A head and shoulders picture of Jahnine Davis who is smiling at the camera.

Our Department of Sociology has launched a new PhD scholarship on contextual safeguarding aimed at candidates with experience of care.

The Davis Scholarship is named after Jahnine Davis, National Kinship Care Ambassador and founder of UK national research and training organisation Listen Up. Jahnine is also a member of the independent Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.

The scholarship offers an enhanced package of support valued at over £160,000 to one successful candidate.

This includes additional funding to provide clinical supervision, peer support from other care-experienced academics and an enhanced stipend to cover living costs.

Applicants with care experience

The opportunity is open to applicants with a range of care experience, including those who may have lived with foster carers or in a residential children's home.

It is also open to those who were cared for at home under a supervision order, or living with friends or relatives in kinship care either formally or informally.

The successful candidate will undertake a full-time PhD (and Master's if required) in the Sociology department at Durham University from October 2025. With the Master's element the total scholarship is worth over £160,000.

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