Today is World Salmon Day, a day where we celebrate Australia's incredible Salmon industry.
Shadow Minister for Primary Industries and Water Janie Finlay said today was the perfect opportunity for industry, government and our community to come together and show their support for the people who work in this great sector.
"World Salmon Day is an opportunity for industry, workers and the 1000's of people in our community who work with this industry to come together and celebrate the people who make it so great," Ms Finlay said.
"Today I call on the industry and the government to join with Labor to support a national campaign that celebrates the great people who work in and support this nationally significant industry.
"The Salmon industry is an important part of Tasmania's economy and it is crucial that we come together to celebrate and share with the rest of the country the passionate, clever and dedicated people who work within it.
"It is so important that together with government and industry we work to share with the rest of the country, what we already know about just how great the workers are and how much they contribute to our regional communities.
"Tasmanian Labor is a strong supporter of the Salmon industry and looks forward to working with government, industry and the workforce over the years ahead."
Janie Finlay MP
Shadow Minister for Primary Industries and Water