Department of Health
The Australian Government Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly, declared the Greater Melbourne Area a COVID-19 hotspot for the purposes of Commonwealth support from 27 May 2021 for 7 days.
There have been a further 39 cases across two clusters (Whittlesea and Port Melbourne) since the hotspot declaration. This takes the total number of cases associated with the outbreak to 65.
As such, the declaration has been extended for another seven days until 11:59pm on 10 June 2021, with further review on or before 9 June 2021.
Declaring a hotspot for Commonwealth support triggers, if required:
- provision of PPE from the National Medical Stockpile
- actions for aged care facilities including PPE, single site workforce supplement and integration of an aged care response centre into the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre
- assistance with contact tracing
- asymptomatic testing via General Practice Respiratory Clinics
- reprioritisation of vaccine supplies, if required
- access to Temporary COVID Disaster Payment, if eligibility criteria is met, including the state imposed lockdown runs for greater than 7 days.
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