Dedicated Fund To Support Victorian Bushfire Survivors

  • Premier

Following a generous outpouring of support from across the state, the Victorian Government has today launched a new fund dedicated to helping Victorians impacted by the recent and devastating bushfires.

Established in partnership with the Bendigo Bank Community Enterprise Foundation and the Salvation Army, the new Victorian Bushfire Appeal will provide practical support as these Victorians begin to rebuild their lives.

The use of funds will help to meet the most urgent needs of local families - covering the cost of everything from a grocery shop to replacing school uniforms.

The Appeal will also help address the most immediate priorities of communities, including the rescue and rehabilitation of local wildlife.

Donations to the new fund will be held in a dedicated account overseen by Pat McNamara, former Victorian Deputy Premier and Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

The Government will contribute $2 million to the fund - matching existing bushfire funds generously donated by Victorians - and ensuring impacted families and communities have the support they need right away.

Victorians wanting to make their own donations can do so, by visiting

To date, Victoria's recent fires have already destroyed more than a million hectares and hundreds of buildings, displacing thousands of people and leaving many local families in desperate need of help.

Through the Victorian Bushfire Appeal, we'll make sure these Victorians are getting the dedicated support they so deserve.

As stated by Premier Daniel Andrews

"These families have already shown the most remarkable courage amid their profound loss."

"Through this fund, we'll help make sure that at the very least they don't have to worry about the small but vital things like putting food on the table or getting their kids to school."

As noted by Minister for Police and Emergency Services Lisa Neville

"With this appeal, we'll ensure Victorians impacted by fires have the practical support they need as they begin to rebuild their lives and rebuild their communities."

As noted by Victorian Bushfire Appeal Chair Pat McNamara

"I'd like to thank every Victorian who has so generously donated, and encourage anyone who can to dig deep."

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