Nationals Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders with Dubbo Regional Council CEO Murray Wood, Mayor Mathew Dickerson, and Senior Growth Planner Shoilee Iqbal.
Dubbo is set to share in more than $250 million dollars' worth of infrastructure funding to support the delivery of thousands of new homes across NSW.
Nationals Member for Dubbo Dugald Saunders said Dubbo Regional Council has secured $9.23 million from the NSW Government's Accelerated Infrastructure Fund (AIF), to start construction of the River Street West Collector Road.
"Dubbo is growing rapidly, and it's important that we unlock the land we need to house the people flocking to our region," Mr Saunders said.
"This funding will enable council to build an essential new road and intersections to support its Northwest Residential Urban Release Area, unlocking an estimated 6000 new homes.
"I commend the council on its vision to get the right infrastructure in place to support our region's growth long term and get people into homes faster."
Stage 1 of the River Street West Collector Road will see construction of 900m of new road, including three roundabouts and an intersection with the Newell Highway.
The project leverages the NSW Government's $220 million New Dubbo Bridge project, which is co-funded by the Commonwealth Government, to unlock an estimated 6,000 new homes in Dubbo's north-west.
Dubbo Regional Council Mayor Mathew Dickerson said he looks forward to the construction of the new road ahead of the release of additional blocks of land.
"Dubbo is experiencing significant pressures in its housing and infrastructure servicing to meet the needs of the growth and investment in the region," Councillor Dickerson said.
"This new development will add much needed housing stock and ensure a more diverse range of housing can be provided to up to 15,000 people across 6,000 dwellings within two kilometres of the Dubbo CBD.
"We anticipate that construction of the River Street West Collector Road will commence at the end of the year and take approximately two years to be completed."
A total of 36 council and agency-led projects have been selected for AIF funding to speed up the delivery of important local infrastructure plans, including new cycleways and active transport options, upgrades to sewerage systems, road and bridge improvements, and more.