Demand Clear Election Results Over Negotiations

"The 2025 election campaign and result will potentially be a crucial marker in Australia for decades to come," Innes Willox, Chief Executive of national employer association the Australian Industry Group, said.

"It comes as we deal with a stagnating national economy, flatlining productivity, a wildly volatile international environment and once-in-a-generation national security challenges.

"Domestically, Australian businesses are grappling with slowing investment, a restrictive workplace relations system, an increasingly uncompetitive tax system, a complex regulatory environment, ongoing skilled labour shortages and uncertainty over energy affordability and availability.

"The dynamism of the private sector is in relative decline as a component of the national economy in the face of increased government spending and public sector employment.

"Internationally, each day sees more global trade disruption, greater market interventions and the building of trade barriers. The threat of conflict is growing.

"This picture makes it plain that the best outcome would undoubtedly be a clear election result rather than pitching the country into a protracted period of government by negotiation. Industry needs certainty to plan, invest, employ and compete.

"It is hoped the election campaign will drive serious conversations on the issues that are critical to our national future at a time when government spending will be increasingly pressured on health, welfare, education and national security.

"The Australian Industry Group has also released policy papers on the key issues that will determine our future wellbeing. The papers on the economy including tax and deregulation, industrial relations, energy & climate, defence, industry & technology, and education, skills & training outline policy approaches that would benefit industry, its workforce and the broader economy.

"On the economy, it is critical to address the rising costs on the private sector, improve fiscal sustainability, strengthen labour market resilience, address low productivity clusters and tackle real tax reform.

"Industry, which is key to the nation reaching net zero and addressing the housing crisis, is in recession-like conditions and needs urgent attention to make it more internationally competitive and resilient.

"We need a coherent and connected tertiary sector that supports lifelong learning and builds foundational skills, so we have an agile and resilient workforce that is diverse and inclusive.

"And we need government to incentivise employers – and apprentices – to undertake and complete apprenticeships.

"We must stay the path on our current plans to achieve net zero, not upend them.

"In our most challenging national security environment since World War II, we must ensure sustainable and secure funding for our defence sector.

"The world around us is rapidly changing and industry hopes the campaign will focus on the issues that matter to the prosperity of all Australians," Mr Willox said.

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