Dementia Australia Supports Huonville

Dementia Australia

Are you concerned about your memory or worried that someone you know may have dementia? Dementia Australia is offering support in Huonville on Wednesday 19 March.

It is estimated there are approximately 349 people living with dementia in Huon Valley. Without a medical breakthrough this number is expected to increase to approximately 494 people by 2054.

The Dementia Australia sessions are an opportunity for people living with dementia, their carers, family, and friends to attend free education to better understand dementia and to discuss the support and services Dementia Australia can provide.

Dementia Q&A Session

Join us for an interactive community dementia Q&A session. On the panel we will be joined by Dementia Advocates, Huon Valley Mayor Sally Doyle, Wicking Dementia Centre and South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (SETAC). Everyone is encouraged to come along and ask any questions about dementia.

  • Wednesday 19 March 11am-12pm

Understanding Dementia

This session provides an introduction to dementia including an overview of different types of dementia, diagnosis, planning ahead and how to support someone living with dementia. Please note, bookings are essential.

  • Wednesday 19 March 1:30pm-3pm

Service Providers & Community Groups Expo

Meet with various local service providers and community groups to discover what other services are available to you in the local area.

  • Thursday 20 March 10am-2pm
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