Department Of Health And Aged Care Statement

Department of Health

Professor Kidd is a highly respected medical leader known for his significant contributions to public health and primary health care, in Australia and internationally.

He has extensive experience as a general practitioner, primary care researcher, educator and academic and has served as president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the World Organization of Family Doctors.

Most recently, Professor Kidd has been the Professor of Global Primary Care and Future Health Systems at the University of Oxford, and Director of the International Centre for Future Health Systems at the University of New South Wales.

Professor Kidd served as Deputy Chief Medical Officer and Principal Medical Advisor with the Department of Health and Aged Care during the COVID-19 pandemic making a significant contribution to the national primary care response.

Quote attributable to Professor Kidd:

"I am looking forward to rejoining the Department of Health and Aged Care and supporting national reforms in public health and healthcare services."

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