Departure of AustralianSuper CEO Ian Silk a monumental day in fund's history

"The decision of Ian Silk to step down as AustralianSuper's Chief Executive marks a monumental day in the fund's history and in the broader history of Australia's highly successful industry superannuation sector," Innes Willox, Chief Executive of the national employer association Ai Group, said today.

"Ai Group has been extremely proud to be the key employer partner in AustralianSuper since its foundation 15 years ago.

"Mr Silk oversaw the success of AustralianSuper and its transformation from a $21 billion fund to become Australia's largest superannuation fund with more than $225 billion in member assets. This success together with the doubling of the membership and starting the fund's globalisation over that time is testament to the unwavering leadership of Mr Silk and his management team.

"Mr Silk has always led the fund with deep integrity and a commitment to putting its members first in every decision. His clear and calm voice has also been a driving force on behalf of the community of industry superannuation funds.

"Ai Group and our employer representatives on the AustralianSuper board sincerely thank Mr Silk for his leadership and his continued consultation with and consideration of employer and member interests over the past 15 years.

"We look forward to working with the incoming Chief Executive, Mr Paul Schroder, currently AustralianSuper's Chief Risk Officer, through the leadership transition in the months ahead. Mr Schroder is a most worthy successor to Ian and knows the fund and the sector extremely well and is committed to the fund's 'member first' ethos," Mr Willox said.

Note: Innes Willox is the Deputy Chair of AustralianSuper. He chairs its People and Culture Committee and is a member of its Investment Committee.

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