The following is attributable to Deputy Spokesperson Shejal Pulivarti:
Today, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman participated in the Skoll World Forum in Oxford, England. There, she met with leaders in philanthropy, the private sector, and civil society, on issues including climate finance, locally led development, humanitarian assistance, democratic strengthening, and partnerships in development.
As part of the Skoll World Forum, the Deputy Administrator participated in a Democracy Delivers event co-hosted by USAID and the Skoll Foundation, which featured a conversation between Deputy Administrator Coleman, Ford Foundation Executive Vice President of Programs Hilary Pennington, and Twaweza East Africa Executive Director Aidan Eyakuze, to discuss USAID's Democracy Delivers Initiative approach of surging cross-sectoral support to countries experiencing promising democratic openings in order to help reformers deliver on citizen priorities. The event brought together innovators and leaders in philanthropy, the private sector, government, media, and civil society to discuss the importance of multi-stakeholder coalitions driving support for democratic progress.