Deputy Sec. Verma Meets With Summit Review Group

Department of State

As stated by Spokesperson Matthew Miller:

Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma participated in the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) on June 27, 2024, during the General Assembly of the Organization of American States. This was the first SIRG meeting at the ministerial level of 2024, where member states determined the hemispheric priorities for the Tenth Summit of the Americas, and commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Summit of the Americas. As Vice Chair of the Summit of the Americas Process, the United States proposed tangible actions to advance the collective commitment of Western Hemisphere partners on priorities such as democratic governance and advancing inclusive opportunity for all. This included the announcement of new funding support for the reactivation of the Inter-American Social Protection Network and training in collaboration with the Inter-American Commission of Women, in furtherance of the Inter-American Task Force on Women's Leadership.

Deputy Secretary Verma also confirmed the United States' condemnation of yesterday's events in Bolivia, as we condemn any attempt to subvert or distort constitutional order.

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