Greater Shepparton City Council's plan to revitalise the Maude Street Mall precinct takes another important step forward over the next few weeks with investigation of existing underground services in the Maude Street Mall commencing.

"Council will be co-ordinating some minor excavation works in the mall to locate critical services. The work areas will be fenced off and lined with black plastic to minimise inconvenience for pedestrians and traders. The work areas will be small and will move progressively through the Mall," said Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Projects, Craig Exton.
Council has consulted with traders on the best option to complete these works. To minimise disruptions Council will be completing these works between 4pm and midnight from Wednesday 6 November. Work will be undertaken from Mondays to Thursdays evenings only.
The works are necessary to ensure the design of the Mall revitalisation can progress and Council is pleased to be able to coordinate these works in a manner that minimises impact to traders.
Council thanks the traders for their support and cooperation in establishing the works program.
In August 2019 Council awarded a tender to GroupGSA to prepare a functional design, business case, detailed design and documentation for the redevelopment of the Mall.
A business case will provide Council with a more detailed understanding of the project's benefits and the return on investment for the project. Business cases are required for most State and Federal government funding applications.
The detailed design and business case will be completed by mid-2020. The redevelopment of the Maude Street Mall is part of Council's broader CBD Revitalisation Project which includes previous work at Vaughan Street, current works at the Maude Street Bus Interchange and Plaza the railway precinct, along with other traffic calming measures.