Destination Event Funding Program Round 2

Kiama Council

Street performer blowing bubbles into crowd of people

Kiama Council is investing more than $55,000 in local events through Round 2 of the Destination Event Funding Program.

The Destination Events Funding Program invests $130,000 each year, over two rounds, supporting a diverse range of events that bring significant cultural, economic, and social benefits to our community, including contributing our vibrant tourism and visitor economy.

The Round 2 recipients include:

• Kiama Beach Tag (Kendalls Beach) - Saturday 1 March ($8,000)

• THAT. SKATE PARK (DJ, event Kiama Skate Park) - October ($5,000)

• Kiama Triathlon (Minnamurra) - 10 May ($10,000)

• Distilled (The Coop Gerringong) - 8 to 9 June ($5,220)

• The Orry Kelly Gala: Dressing Hollywood (Various locations, Kiama) – 25 to 27 July ($6,000)

• Going to the Southeast Saltwater exhibition (Seven Marks Gallery) - 6 September to 11 October ($4,220)

• Folk by the Sea 2025 (The Pavilion, Kiama) – 12 to 14 September ($6,000)

• Spanish & Latin American Outdoor Fiesta (Hindmarsh Park) – 11 October ($10,000)

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