Devonport City Soccer Club Upgrades Get Green Light

Tasmanian Government

The facilities at the home of the Devonport Strikers are about to be kicked up a notch.

Minister for Sports and Events, Nick Duigan, said upgrades to the car park and fencing at Devonport City Soccer Club would have benefits for the club's players and the broader community.

"Football is the largest participation sport in Devonport, and we want to ensure that we continue to support its growth," Minister Duigan said.

"Under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, we are investing $147,250 to support upgrades to the club's carpark and new fencing.

"The upgrades will extend the carparking available at the club and create new entrances off Lovett Street at the northern and southern ends of the venue."

The new northern entrance will allow easier access for emergency services vehicles to have direct access to the fields when required. The southern entrance will allow an additional safe access point to alleviate congestion at the existing main entrance. And the existing southern fence of the venue will be moved further south to enable an additional 55-site car park to be established.

"As a government, we are committed to keeping our communities active, and I'm positive these upgrades will support and nurture the talents of our football players in the Devonport area," Minister Duigan said.

"We are ensuring Tasmanians have access to more and more sporting and wellbeing opportunities than ever before by upgrading and improving clubs right across the State."

The project is expected to be completed prior to the commencement of the 2025 National Premier League and Women's Super League competitions in mid-March 2025.

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