Diabetes Test Receives National Recognition

A groundbreaking prognostic test developed through collaboration between The University of Western Australia and Perth-based Proteomics International has been highlighted as the most prominent translational outcome in diabetes research by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

In a recent national report evaluating outcomes of NHMRC-funded programs in diabetes from 2000 to 2023, PromarkerD was recognised for its significant advancement in the clinical prediction of diabetic kidney disease.

The revolutionary blood test, which can predict kidney function decline up to four years before clinical symptoms appear, was developed using samples and data from the NHMRC-funded landmark Fremantle Diabetes Study.

Professor Timothy Davis from UWA Medical School, a key researcher behind the innovation, said the acknowledgment from NHMRC validated years of collaborative research between UWA's Fremantle Hospital Unit and Proteomics International.

Professor Tim Davis

Image: Professor Tim Davis who was a key researcher behind the groundbreaking prognostic test.

"PromarkerD represents how a robust longitudinal study combined with cutting-edge analytical techniques can generate a prognostic test that transforms patient care," Professor Davis said.

The test analyses three specific plasma biomarkers – APOA4, CD5L, and IGFBP3 – along with clinical variables such as age and HDL-cholesterol to predict the risk of kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes, with remarkable accuracy.

"For every one million people living with diabetes, approximately 100,000 are expected to suffer a rapid decline in kidney function within four years," Professor Davis said.

"This test can accurately predict that decline in 86 per cent of cases, offering a critical window for intervention."

The early detection capabilities of PromarkerD enables healthcare professionals to implement preventive measures before irreversible kidney damage occurs, potentially reducing the need for dialysis or kidney transplants.

"This test has the potential to spare many people from future dialysis through the opportunity to intervene early with preventive measures, which could save the healthcare system a substantial amount of money," Professor Davis said.

Research demonstrated that PromarkerD offers 86 per cent sensitivity and 78 per cent specificity in risk assessment for renal function decline over a four-year period.

The patented test has recently been launched in Australia for use in primary and specialist care, marking the successful translation of university research into clinical practice.

"PromarkerD exemplifies the impact of NHMRC funding in supporting research that delivers tangible health benefits to Australians," Professor Davis said.

"The success of this collaborative project between UWA and Proteomics International demonstrates how academic-industry partnerships can accelerate the development of innovative healthcare solutions."

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