Directors Appointed To Bundanon Trust Board 21 March

Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

The Albanese Labor Government has announced the reappointment of Mr Philip Bacon AO and the appointments of Bill Gammage AM and Ms Elizabeth Pakchung as Directors to the Bundanon Trust Board for three-year terms.

Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke, said the trio of experts brought a well-rounded set of skills to the Board.

"Phillip has many years of experience in the arts sector as well as serving on some of our cultural institution boards and it's to Bundanon's benefit that he's agreed to serve a second term.

"I'd also like to welcome Elizabeth and Bill whose backgrounds in business and the humanities will be of great benefit to the leadership team at Bundanon."

Bundanon Trust is an Australian cultural institution and living arts centre that supports the arts through its residency, education, exhibition and performance programs. Bundanon is committed to the stewardship of its natural environment and built heritage and promotes the importance of art and the Australian landscape.

Mr Philip Bacon AO is Director of Philip Bacon Galleries, one of Australia's leading commercial art galleries. Since 2000, Mr Bacon has been Deputy Chair of the National Gallery of Australia Foundation and a member of the QAGOMA Foundation. He has also been Deputy Chair of Major Brisbane Festivals since 2007. Mr Bacon has expertise in the arts sector, philanthropy and governance.

William (Bill) Gammage AM is an Emeritus Professor at the Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University and the co-author of Country: Future Fire, Future Farming and The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines made Australia. He previously served on the National Museum of Australia Council from 1995 to 1998. Bill's appointment provides Bundanon with expertise in the field of education and Indigenous land management practices.

Ms Elizabeth Pakchung is a Member of the National Portrait Gallery of Australia Board and Deputy Chair of 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art and of Contemporary Asian Australian Performance. She was previously a lawyer and Partner with Ashurst law firm (formerly Blake Dawson). She brings extensive experience in business management and the law to the Board.

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