Discover Greater Shepparton's Off-Leash Dog Parks

Council has noticed an increase in off-leash dogs in non-designated areas, leading to an unfortunate rise in dog poo being left behind.

We urge everyone to all do our part to keep our shared spaces clean and enjoyable for everyone.

Council are proud to offer two fantastic off-leash dog parks where your furry friends can run free and socialise. Look for the signs marking our designated off-leash dog park area at these parks!

  • Ducat Reserve, Paterson Road, Shepparton
  • Princess Park, Nixon Street Shepparton

Why use Off-Leash Dog Parks?

  • Health and happiness: Regular exercise and socialisation are crucial for your dog's well-being.
  • Community friendly: Keeping our parks and sporting facilities clean and enjoyable for everyone.

Find more info on our off-leash dog parks here.

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