We have developed a draft Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2021 -2025) and need your feedback.
The Plan is an important tool that will be used by Council, local health service providers and community organisations to set policy and partnership priorities for the next four years.
It builds on the health and wellbeing aspirations of the community outlined in the Bayside Community Vision 2050 and focuses on health and wellbeing issues that will have the greatest impact.
We have developed this draft plan following an extensive consultation process speaking with community members across all ages and abilities to understand the biggest opportunities to improve health and wellbeing and what are the barriers that need to be overcome.
As part of this process we also collaborated with our agency partners and our key committees including Bayside Healthy Ageing Reference Group, Bayside's Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee to understand how they can support us in delivering the key actions from the plan.
It captures the many different views, experiences, and knowledge of our diverse community and should be reflective of the areas that are key to improving the overall health and wellbeing in Bayside.
The draft plan outlines four key goals and fourteen objectives for Council to prioritise over the next four years:
Goal 1: Connected and thriving community
Goal 2: Healthy and active community
Goal 3: Respectful and safe community
Goal 4: Fair and inclusive community
We now need to ensure these goals are in line with community expectations.
The draft Public Health and Wellbeing Plan will be open for feedback until 21 August 2021.
View the draft plan and submit feedback on the guiding goals, objectives, and actions on Have Your Say.