Dob In Red Tape: New Portal Now Live

Tasmanian Government

A new red tape reduction portal has been launched, encouraging Tasmanians to have their say on what red tape is holding Tasmanian businesses and industry back from success.

As part of the Tasmanian Government's war on red tape, the new online portal allows Tasmanians and businesses to directly provide feedback on red tape reduction ideas.

Minister for Business, Industry and Resources, Eric Abetz, put the call out, encouraging Tasmanians across the state – whether in business or industry - to dob in red tape.

"Our valued workers, volunteers, consumers and businesses live and breathe the challenges of red tape every day and know what barriers they need removed to grow and thrive," Minister Abetz said.

"If there is rep tape that is holding you back, is stifling your business, costing you unnecessary hours, we want to know about it.

"That's why we've launched our Red Tape Reduction Portal.

"The process is simple, accessible and will deliver real outcomes that make a difference.

"The Red Tape Reduction Coordinator will review the submissions directly and provide advice to the Government for implementation where possible.

"Together with our Red Tape Industry Taskforce, our audit on state and local business licences and permits, and our plan to repeal and remove unnecessary, outdated or burdensome regulations – red tape is well and truly in our sights.

"It's these initiatives that have seen the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry label our agenda to back business and jobs as the most ambitious reforms in 20 years.

"Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is delivering positive outcomes for Tasmanians, and our red tape reform agenda will continue this momentum, create more jobs and grow our economy."

Tasmanians can submit their feedback via this link:

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