For the first time, the course 'Sustainable Health and Agenda 2030' is being offered here at KI. It is part of the Doctoral Programme in Health Care Science (PUF-V).

"The response we have received is fantastic engagement from the students, who have so far expressed that they have gained both insights and tools that they will use in their research," says Nina Viberg, researcher and project coordinator at GPH and one of the teachers for this course. "They particularly appreciate the discussions with other participants and gaining new perspectives on sustainable health and development and how it connects to their own research."

"Seventeen engaged doctoral students are taking the course, which is one and a half weeks long (2 ECTS) and also possible to complete remotely. The doctoral students come from various departments within KI, including NVS and GPH, as well as other universities. The Department of Global Public Health (GPH) organizes the course in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health (CESH) . There is a wide range of teaching staff. They come from CESH, GPH, LIME, Stockholm Resilience Centre (UU), and Makerere University. Among others, Nina Viberg, Jennifer Valke, and Tobias Alfvén are teaching."
When asked 'how important do you think a course like this is,' Nina Viberg responds:
"All KI students should have key competencies to work for sustainable development, but so far there are not many doctoral courses that explicitly provide this. There is great interest in linking one's own research to sustainable health and development, and this course fills a gap as similar courses are largely lacking at the doctoral level at KI."