The Department of Defense (DoD) today published the unclassified National Defense Industrial Strategy Implementation Plan (NDIS-IP), detailing how the DoD will achieve the four strategic priorities laid out in the NDIS. Released by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy (OASD(IBP)), the document outlines ongoing and future actions that DoD is currently taking, and will continue to take, to modernize the defense industrial base.
The NDIS-IP describes six cross-cutting initiatives, and associated lines of effort, that will enable the DoD to achieve a more resilient defense industrial ecosystem and buy-down risks. In addition to detailing the work being done across the Services and DoD components, the NDIS-IP demonstrates activities and initiatives which the U.S. Government, private industry, and international allies and stakeholders are undertaking, emphasizing that this effort cannot be a DoD-only initiative.
"This implementation plan offers industry, global allies, and partners clear direction on the Department's priorities for industrial capacity building" said Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy, Dr. Laura Taylor-Kale. "Implementing these initiatives will require coordinated efforts across the DoD, and support and cooperation from our interagency, industry, and international stakeholders, as well as our champions in Congress."