Dogs Truly Are Handler's Best Friend


Military working dog, Onix, and handler are stealing the spotlight at their first Australian International Airshow with a crowd pleasing tactical display.

Corporal Natasha Blackman from No. 17 Squadron at RAAF Base Tindal and her four-legged partner Onix, are showcasing their work at the event in Avalon.

"I'm loving it so far, and I'm really excited to show the crowd what our dogs are capable of and how we use our dogs within the Air Force."

Corporal Blackman described Onix, her Belgian Malinois as a, "real sassy queen."

Dogs and handlers are carefully matched to ensure many years of loyal service. Once matched, handlers and their dogs work together to maintain high standard of fitness and training. Corporal Blackman has been a military dog handler for just over three years, working with Onix, and other pups.

"Getting to come to work and be with your best friend every day is amazing,

"Onix is reaching her training standards, but there's always room for improvement and always something new to learn,

"There's nothing better than playing with the dog every day, and if you would like to join Air Force as a dog handler, do. You will love it." Corporal Blackman said.

At the Air Show the military working dogs and their handlers are responsible for providing security, crime prevention patrols, emergency response and intruder detection as well as taking part in the Military Working Dogs Tactical Handling Displays.

"As part of the display, the handlers and dogs will be showing basic obedience, all different types of tactical work," she explained.

Both handlers and their dogs are tested regularly to ensure readiness to deploy at any time.

"The deployment could be at one of our permanent air bases or to locations around the world," Corporal Blackman said.

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