Domestic Animal Management Plan On Exhibition

All Councils in Victoria are required by State legislation to prepare a four-year Domestic Animal Management Plan (DAMP). The DAMP covers responsible pet ownership, registration, lost animals, off-leash areas, complaint handling and compliance with relevant laws.

At the Borough, we recognise the importance of our residents and visitors' wellbeing, sense of community, and the harmonious coexistence between our beloved animal companions, open spaces, and our flora and fauna.

Every four years, the DAMP is reviewed to ensure it is up to date and continues to provide a mechanism to evaluate what is, and what isn't working in the animal management space across the Borough.

The Borough of Queenscliffe gives notice that the 2026-2029 DAMP is being placed on exhibition for a period of 28 days. To read the draft 2026-2029 DAMP, click on the link below.

2026-2029 Domestic Animal Management Plan

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