Donation drive to help brighten day of kids in foster care

  • Call for Western Australians to get involved with National Child Protection Week by donating new books and toys for children in foster care
  • Dozens of local MP's accepting donations for the thousands of Western Australian children who live with foster and family carers, or in residential care
  • Gifts to be distributed during National Child Protection Week (4 to 10 September 2022)
  • Generous Western Australians are being called on to get involved with National Child Protection week this year by donating gifts to children in care.

    National Child Protection Week runs from 4 to 10 September 2022 and is a good opportunity to remind Western Australians how everyone in the community can play a role in ensuring children feel safe and supported.

    In collaboration with Child Protection Minister Simone McGurk and the Department of Communities, MP's throughout WA are accepting donations of new books and toys for children in foster care in their local area.

    Donations are being accepted for young people from a range of ages; from babies through to high-school students.

    There are currently 5,094 children in care in WA, with foster and family carers providing a home for the vast majority of these children, often to more than one child. 

    Donations are being accepted until 4 September.

    As stated by Child Protection Minister Simone McGurk:

    "This National Child Protection Week I'm calling on generous Western Australians to help brighten the day of a child in care.

    "Many young people in foster care have had a tough start to life and the joy of receiving a shiny new book or toy could mean more than most of us could imagine.

    "The gifts will be distributed with the help of the Department of Communities, and I thank all those getting involved with this important initiative."

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