Draft Amendments: Planning & Works-in-Kind Policies

At its meeting on 11 March 2025, Council resolved to publicly exhibit draft amendments to its Planning Agreement Policy, Works-in-Kind Policy and associated templates.

The Planning Agreement and Works-in-Kind Policies transparently document, standardise and clarify Council's procedures for the receipt, assessment, negotiation and processing of offers from developers to enter into these Agreements. The policies are primarily procedural and seek to ensure that Council's use of these agreements is clear and transparent for all parties affected (including developers, Council and the broader community). They also provide clear guidance with respect to the strategic context in which these agreements are negotiated and how the public benefits offered by developers will be considered and assessed.

The introduction of these policies was relatively recent, in November 2023. Accordingly, the proposed amendments are primarily procedural refinements that seek to improve the clarity and useability of the documents, arising from Council's periodical review of these policies.

The draft amendments are now on public exhibition and available for inspection on Hills Have Your Say.

PUBLIC EXHIBITION PERIOD: Thursday 20 March 2025 – Thursday 17 April 2025

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 5pm on Thursday 17 April 2025

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