At its meeting of 13 June 2023, Council resolved to publicly exhibit a draft Deed of Amendment to make minor changes to the existing Box Hill North Voluntary Planning Agreement (4/2018/VPA).
The current VPA requires the master developer (Stockland) to deliver all local infrastructure required to support the precinct including:
- Open space facilities such as active and passive open space (playing fields, playgrounds and pedestrian and cycle paths)
- Community facilities (a multi-purpose community facility)
- Transport and traffic facilities (new roads, intersection upgrades and public transport facilities)
- Water cycle management facilities as a result of the extra stormwater runoff generated by impervious surfaces associated with urban development.
The current VPA envisages a maximum of 4,100 dwellings on land subject to the VPA. This yield is indicatively distributed across nine 'sub-precincts' (known as Precincts A – I).
The proposed amendments seek to make minor adjustments to the distribution of the anticipated yield across a number of these sub-precincts, to reallocate anticipated dwelling yield which will not be achieved in Precincts A and B (which are at or near completion) into Precincts D, F, G, H and I (which are not yet completed).
The proposed amendments are primarily administrative in nature. They do not result in any change to the local infrastructure which the developer is required to deliver, nor do they seek to permit any additional yield over and above what is already envisaged in the existing VPA, being 4,100 dwellings. Rather, the amendments seek to marginally adjust the break-down and distribution of this overall yield across the individual sub-precincts to more accurately reflect the roll-out of development that has occurred since rezoning of the Precinct in 2015.
The draft Deed of Amendment and supporting material are now on public exhibition and available for inspection on the 'Have your Say' Page of the Council's Website (
PUBLIC EXHIBITION PERIOD: Tuesday 8 August to Tuesday 5 September 2023
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 5pm on Tuesday 5 September 2023