Locals are being asked to help shape how we improve the way we travel around our local government area – whether that's walking, cycling, driving or catching a bus – and how we can make our streets even more attractive places to live and work.
The Draft Coffs Harbour Movement and Place Strategy has been led by the City of Coffs Harbour in collaboration with Transport for NSW and NSW Government agencies. It outlines the design, planning and delivery of our transport networks over the next 20 years.
It is now out for comment until close of business on 27 February 2023.
"We're aiming to capitalise on the opportunities opening up in the coming years to revitalise and improve our neighbourhoods and retail areas through the use of technology and transport choices," said Chris Chapman, City of Coffs Harbour Director Sustainable Communities.
"We want to be smart about how we move people. We want to make it safe and convenient for people to walk, cycle or catch a bus and create spaces where our kids can scoot to school and seniors can get around easily. That means sharing and improving our streets.
"The draft strategy doesn't drill down into plans for individual areas, it's about setting a direction to achieve our aims. So we want to hear what the people who will be travelling through, or living around our local streets want to see happen.
"It's important to make clear from the very beginning that the Strategy is the big picture and any projects we undertake based on the Strategy's goals are subject to the City being able to secure the necessary funding."
The Draft Coffs Harbour Movement and Place Strategy sets out a number of goals summarised as 10 Big Moves. These are:
- Supporting 15-minute neighbourhoods.
- Better streets.
- Improving our walking and cycling networks.
- Investing in our blue and green grid.
- Planning for beyond the Bypass.
- Connecting the city's key precincts and growth areas.
- Improving our public transport services.
- Careful parking management.
- Harnessing technology.
- Preparing shovel-ready projects to create great places.
"With big changes on the horizon for our local transport network, the Draft strategy looks to set a future direction for our city," said Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh.
"I encourage all Coffs Coast residents to have their say."
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the plan would map out future transport in the Coffs Harbour Region.
"The NSW Government is getting on with building the infrastructure that matters to make daily life easier for people travelling in and around Coffs Harbour," said Mr Farraway.
"The new Coffs Harbour Bypass will reduce congestion through the CBD and support the goals outlined in this draft Coffs Harbour Draft Movement and Place Strategy."
You can provide your thoughts via an online survey and submissions form on our Have Your Say website https://haveyoursay.coffsharbour.nsw.gov.au/movement-and-place-strategy