Byron Shire Council is urging all residents and businesses who live and work in flood-prone areas of the Shire to read and comment on the Draft North Byron Catchment Flood Risk Management Study.
The Draft North Byron Catchment Flood Risk Management Study is currently on public exhibition and James Flockton, Council's Coordinator Works, is expecting a high level of interest in the document.
"Last year we had more than 300 responses to our North Byron Flood Study where we asked people to share their experiences about flooding in areas including Mullumbimby, Billinudgel and South Golden Beach," Mr Flockton said.
"The information people gave us was extremely valuable because it wasn't about predictions or what could happen in a flood – it was lived experience that included water levels, the extent of floods and and impacts," he said.
"Our consultants have taken this information, and done their own detailed studies to develop this Draft Flood Risk Management Study, which is designed to help Council manage flood-affected areas, with the aim of reducing risk to people and property," Mr Flockton said.
The Draft North Byron Catchment Flood Risk Management Study focuses on the Brunswick River, Simpson's Creek and Marshall's Creek catchments and provides detailed information on flood impacts, mitigation options, evacuation routes and management of flood events.
"This study is extremely relevant and important to all people in the north of the Byron Shire and to make it as informative and practical as it can be we need input from residents, workers, businesses and people who know the area," Mr Flockton said.
A community drop-in information session will be held at the Council offices in Mullumbimby on 7 February from 11:30am – 1:30pm. This will also be an opportunity for people to provide feedback to Council.
Copies of the Draft North Byron Catchment Flood Risk Management Study are also available at the Brunswick Heads Library, the general store at Billinudgel, and at Council offices in Mullumbimby.
People can also see the document online at www.byron.nsw.gov.au/Home/Tabs/Public-notices/North-Byron-Floodplain-Risk-Management-Study-public-exhibition
The closing date for submissions is 21 February 2020.