The following strategies will be on public exhibition until 31 July 2023:
- Draft Precinct Plan for the Norwest Strategic Centre
- Draft Precinct Plan for the Castle Hill Strategic Centre
- Draft Precinct Plan for the Rouse Hill Strategic Centre
- Draft Economic Growth Plan
The Draft Precinct Plans set a 20-year vision for Council's three Strategic Centres, to enable them to reach their full potential. They build on the high-level outcomes envisaged within NSW Government strategies, Council's Local Strategic Planning Statement, The North West Rail Link Corridor Strategy and The Hills Corridor Strategy and draw on a range of technical studies (which are also being made available as part of the public exhibition). The Plans articulate how the strategic objectives and outcomes for each Strategic Centre will be implemented over the next 20 years, drilling down into finer grain, site specific detail to inform future development and potential changes to planning controls and the infrastructure contributions framework for each Centre. Each draft Plan includes a suite of actions and Implementation Plan.
The Draft Economic Growth Plan provides a direction for economic development, jobs and investment within the Shire and sets out actions for Council to pursue to progress the vision. The Plan articulates the benefits of locating and doing business in The Hills Shire and sets out how Council will support business and employment growth in the region. It seeks to reduce the Shire's reliance on population serving industries and focus on value adding industries that create jobs suited to our skilled population. At a strategic level, the Plan includes insight into the current conditions, opportunities and risks that are shaping the local economy. At an operational level, the Plan identifies Council's role in economic development and how Council can improve economic prosperity for residents, business and workers.
Various consultation sessions are scheduled throughout the course of the exhibition period which the community and other stakeholders are welcome to attend. Further details on these sessions, along with the Draft Precinct Plans, Draft Economic Growth Plan and supporting material is now on public exhibition and available for inspection on Council's website under Have Your Say (
PUBLIC EXHIBITION PERIOD: Tuesday 2 May 2023 – Monday 31 July 2023
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday 31 July 2023 (5pm)