Draft San Remo Plan Maps Future for Next 20 Years

Perched on the edge of Western Port Bay, San Remo is a town with a deep connection to its coastal landscape and a strong sense of community. Locals greet each other at the bakery, fishers bring in the day's catch, and visitors pause to enjoy lunch on the foreshore. But San Remo is growing, and planning for its future is essential.

Bass Coast Shire Council is inviting the community to have their say on the Draft San Remo Structure Plan, a long-term vision guiding the town's growth and development over the next 20 years.

The San Remo Structure Plan is a key project of the Council Plan 2021-2025, ensuring that growth across the Shire is carefully managed. San Remo's population is expected to increase, with a significant portion being older residents. To support this change, the Draft Structure Plan outlines how housing, infrastructure, and services will evolve while protecting the coastal character and environment. It also considers transport, economic growth, and the town's role as a key District Town in the region.

Initial consultation was held from October to December 2023, where the community highlighted areas of interest, suggested ideas, or provided feedback. Through this consultation phase, Council received nominations for a Community Reference Group for the Structure Plan project. In January 2024, a 12-member Community Reference Group was formed, bringing together locals with diverse perspectives. Since then, they have played a key role in shaping the draft plan, ensuring it reflects the community's vision for the future.

This is now the final stage of community consultation, and Council is seeking feedback from residents, businesses, and community groups to help shape the Structure Plan. Bass Coast Mayor Cr Rochelle Halstead said "San Remo is such a wonderful place to live, and I want future generations to enjoy it as we do today. This plan will guide how our town grows while preserving what makes it special. I encourage everyone to share their thoughts to help shape its future."

A range of community engagement activities will be held, including:

  • Community session - Wednesday, 26 March 2025 from 6pm - 7.30pm
  • Pop-up session - Wednesday, 2 April 2025 from 2pm - 6pm, Marine Parade San Remo

Feedback on the San Remo Structure Plan is open until 28 April 2025, to share your thoughts or find an upcoming session, visit engage.basscoast.vic.gov.au/sanremoplan.

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