The draft Victoria Park Master Plan is now available to view via Campaspe Shire Council's website. The master plan will inform future capital works and funding opportunities within the iconic Echuca recreation space.
Mayor Rob Amos said Council would be taking feedback from the community on the draft master plan.
"Following extensive community consultation, the draft Victoria Park Master Plan has been prepared.
"During April 2022, we received around 268 responses to the initial Victoria Park community consultation, on top of the engagement we'd already been undertaking with key user groups. So, we really gained an insight into what the community wants Victoria Park to look like and feel like.
"Now that the draft master plan has been prepared, this will be the community's final opportunity to provide their feedback."
Points of interest within the master plan include:
- Scenic Drive will be renamed Scenic Trail for pedestrian and cycle passive recreation. Vehicle access for authorised vehicles only.
- Protection of the natural environment, particularly to the west of the Dhungala Bridge.
- Work in collaboration with Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation to establish a cultural trail.
- Upgrades to the Victoria Park Sporting Precinct, namely:
- Demolition of the Haw Pavilion, grandstand, changerooms and Boral Bar, replacing with a multi-purpose facility including changerooms.
- Construction of a kickabout area for junior sport and training opportunities.
- Construction of a netball changeroom and amenity facility.
- Construction of formal car parking, review and formalise traffic flow.
- Improvements to existing oval including turf and irrigation.
- Demolition of public toilets to the east of Victoria Park Sporting Precinct, replacing with new toilets.
- Enhanced pedestrian and cycling connectivity between the Port of Echuca, Victoria Park Sporting Precinct, boat ramp, Scenic Trail and Crofton Street.
- Realignment, renewal and upgrade of drainage and road from Crofton Street to obelisk (linking into where Major Road Projects Victoria finished their works).
- Inclusion of proposed Victoria Park boat ramp upgrades and surrounding infrastructure.
- Review existing management of Victoria Park and explore/implement alternative management models.
"The multi-purpose facility concept design is currently underway," Cr Amos added. "Council is working with key user groups to determine this design."
If you wish to submit feedback on the draft master plan, complete the online form on Council's website. Submissions close Friday, 27 January.