Drink Driver On Three Wheels In Keilor

A drink driver's car has been taken off the road after it was seen travelling on three wheels in Keilor yesterday.

Officers responded to several calls to Triple 0 (000) after the car was seen by fellow motorists being driven on three wheels and a bare rim along Calder Freeway/Melton-Calder on-ramp about 3.20pm.

A short time later, police located the driver and car at an address on Hesleden Street, Essendon.

The driver, a 53-year-old woman, accompanied police to a police station and returned an evidentiary breath test reading of 0.139.

The car was impounded for 30 days at a cost of $913.70.

The Essendon woman is expected to be charged on summons with drink driving and traffic offences and is expected to appear at a Magistrates' Court at a later date.

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