Drink driving - Twice in three days

Operations Response Unit members intercepted a female driver in the city earlier this morning as part of Operation Furlong, Victoria Police say.

The 19-year-old Clonbinane woman was intercepted on Latrobe Street just before 4am before undergoing an evidentiary breath test which resulted in a blood alcohol reading of 0.152 per cent.

What surprised the police members was that the driver had been intercepted three days earlier and, on that occasion, also provided a high-range blood alcohol reading.

As a result of that interaction with police the woman’s licence was suspended under drink-driving legislation.

The woman is expected to be charged with drink driving and driving while suspended.

Operation Furlong is a state-wide focus on road user behaviour and awareness around the importance of taking responsibility for your own actions on the road.

The operation which started on Friday at 12.01am will finish on Tuesday 2 November at 11.59pm.

Police will target the main causes of fatalities and serious injuries which include; speed, driver distraction, drivers not wearing their seatbelts, fatigue and drink and drug drivers.

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