Driver Rescued From Flood Charged With Mid-Range PCA

A man has been charged with middle-range PCA after being stuck in floodwaters south of Lismore.

About 9.15am on Monday 10 March 2025, police patrolling South Lismore in response to ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred were called to assist a driver at Caniaba Road, Loftville.

Officers attached to Traffic and Highway Patrol Command attended and found a 55-year-old man had attempted to cross a flooded section of the road in a 4WD when the vehicle became stuck.

The man was assisted out of the water by Police Rescue and SES crews.

The man was subjected to a breath test at the scene which returned a positive result.

He was taken to Casino Police Station where he was subject to a breath analysis which returned an alleged reading of 0.086.

The 55-year-old man was issued a Field Court Attendance Notice for drive with middle-range PCA to appear before Lismore Local Court on Wednesday 19 March 2025.

His licence was also suspended.

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