Driver Rescued from Flood Waters on Mid North Coast

A man has been rescued from flood waters on the state's mid north coast on the weekend.

About 8pm on Saturday 8 March 2025, emergency services were called to Missabotti Road, Missabotti – about 30km northwest of Nambucca Heads – following reports a man had been washed away by flood waters.

On arrival, officers attached to Mid North Coast Police District were told a 71-year-old man had attempted to cross flood waters in a Toyota Landcruiser; however, the vehicle failed to cross and was swept downstream.

The man was located in the water nearby, holding onto the rear of the vehicle which was pinned near some large trees.

Local police together with SES personnel, Fire and Rescue NSW and NSW Ambulance officers attended and commenced an operation to retrieve the man from the water.

A lifejacket was able to be successfully floated to the man prior to the arrival of the SES Swift Water Rescue Team, who completed the rescue with an inflatable raft.

The man was assessed by NSW Ambulance paramedics and did not require any medical treatment.

The incident has prompted police to remind all residents who have been affected by the weather event and flooding to stay safe by never driving through floodwaters, and to always follow signs or directions from emergency services.

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