Drug Labs At Brooklyn Park

A man has been arrested for drug and weapon offences after police searched his Brookly Park home today.

About 10.30am on Friday 14 March, Western District Detectives attended and searched a Marion Road, Brooklyn Park home.

Whilst at the address police located and seized about 15g of methamphetamine, scales, cash and drug paraphernalia, five e-bikes suspected of being stolen, a sword with a knuckle-duster attachment and OC spray.

Police also found a Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) laboratory set-up plus equipment and paraphernalia associated with manufacturing Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms).

A 46-year-old man from the address was arrested and charged with trafficking a controlled drug, manufacture a controlled drug, possess prescription medication, unlawful possession, possess a dangerous article and possess a prohibited weapon.

He was refused police bail and appeared in Adelaide Magistrates Court today.

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