Drugs And Cash Seized At Mount Pleasant

Three people have been charged with drug trafficking and possession charges following a search warrant investigation at Mount Pleasant last month.

Mackay's Tactical Crime Squad, with the assistance of Dog Squad, executed a search warrant at a Lachlan Street address on February 28.

Police seized over $1 million worth of cocaine, methylamphetamine and cash.

Detective Inspector Emma Novosel said police across the Mackay Whitsunday District are determined to make their community safer through search warrant operations such as these.

"Through targeting those involved in the trafficking and supply of dangerous drugs, we aim to detect, disrupt and deter these activities that cause harm to our community," said Detective Inspector Novosel.

"Mackay Police will continue to take a strong stance against this behaviour and work with the community to prevent the sale and distribution of dangerous drugs on our streets."

A 39-year-old Mount Pleasant man has been charged with three counts of possessing dangerous drugs, and one count each of receiving or possessing property obtained from trafficking or supplying elsewhere than Queensland, contravening order about information necessary to access information stored electronically, possessing utensils, and authority required to possess explosives.

He has been remanded in custody and due to reappear before Mackay Magistrates Court on May 28.

A 36-year-old Mount Pleasant woman has been charged with three counts of possessing dangerous drugs, and one count each of receiving or possessing property obtained from trafficking or supplying, possessing utensils, and authority required to possess explosives.

She is due to appear before Mackay Magistrates Court on March 18.

A 39-year-old Cooee Bay man has been charged with possessing dangerous drugs.

He is due to appear before Mackay Magistrates Court on March 25.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at www.police.qld.gov.au/reporting or call 131 444.

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at www.crimestoppersqld.com.au.

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