DTU In Top Three For Patent Applications In Denmark

Technical University of Denmark

Last year, DTU submitted 84 applications to the European Patent Office, EPO, to protect a new technology invented by its researchers. The university is only surpassed by Vestas (95) and Novozymes (85) on a top 10 list of the most patent-seeking companies in Denmark compiled by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office.

And that's something to be proud of, says Marianne Thellersen, Senior Vice President of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at DTU.

'The high ranking reflects the fact that DTU has both innovative and skilled employees and a culture that emphasises entrepreneurship. The knowledge we create must go out into society and be useful, and one of the ways it does this is through patents, which benefit startups, spinouts and existing companies,' she says.

The same new figures from the EPO show that DTU is the university in Europe that applies for the fourth most patents. Only Swiss ETH Zurich and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and Belgian KU Leuven have applied for more in 2024.

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