Technology is once again in the spotlight during the Dutch Technology Week (DTW) from May 31 to June 5. This year, TU Eindhoven is again closely involved in the event that provides a platform for technology and the high-tech industry in Eindhoven and the Brainport region. The DTW 2021 consists not only of live components, but mainly of online events. This underlines the importance of technology in today's society, according to the organization.
So where should you go during this tech week? Here is a selection from the program with components in which TU/e students or employees participate:
Kickoff DTW
Students of the TU/e, Summa College and Fontys Hogescholen will digitally kick off the tenth edition of the DTW by giving a sneak preview of their work. Student team TU/ecomotive tells about Luca, the car that is (almost) entirely made of waste. In addition, topics such as socially relevant internships and practical education through Teams will be discussed.
Monday, May 31, 9:00 am, registration via this link.

For most people, sex, love and touch are essential for a happy life. The lack of interpersonal contact during the corona crisis has led to a true explosion of technologies that attempt to mimic or replace our faltering intimacy, such as sex robots. This hacking of human behavior is affecting our perception of intimacy. Is this a threat, or just a logical next step in our human evolution? This is what Kate Devlin and Kathleen Richardson discuss in a debate led by TU/e researcher Lily Frank.
Monday, May 31, 9:30 pm, registration via this link.
National final FameLab
How do you package scientific research in an attractive way? Chan Botter, Kalpit Bakal and Mohammad Jouy Bar will take up the challenge and compete on behalf of TU/e for the national title during the final of FameLab, a science communication competition organized by TU/e. The three students recently won the FameLab TU/e 2021 final, so they will now compete against opponents from other universities. The goal is to inspire and excite the general public with a scientific topic of their choice.
Tuesday, June 1, 7:30 pm, registration via this link.
Live talkshow on vitality in the workplace
New technologies play an increasingly prominent role in our lives and often have a detrimental impact on our vitality: we are becoming more physically inactive and more often subject to stress. But digital technologies also have the potential to be part of the solution. How? This is what Katja Pahnke, Sywert Brongersma, Steven Vos and Marieke van Beurden will be discussing. They share visions on the future of work and introduce the POWEr FITTing project, a collaboration between Fontys, imec, TNO, TU/e (FITT) and Eindhoven Engine with the aim to investigate new technologies around the working people.
Wednesday, June 2, 3:30 pm, register via this link.

Buckle up, because artificial intelligence (AI) is going to have a big impact on the way we live, work and organize ourselves. It's important to keep an eye on both technology and ethics. Jim Stolze is a tech entrepreneur and started an online learning platform on which a special AI Course for the Brainport Eindhoven region was launched. Based on a deepfake demo of student team Serpentine, Stolze answers questions like: should we be afraid of AI? Which skills will become important? Shouldn't we regulate?
Friday, June 4, 9:45 am, register via this link.
Other recommendations:
- A video on Smart Mobility with Eindhoven Engine (Monday, May 31, 4:00 pm)
- AI research for a broad audience in the EAISI Café with knowledge institute EAISI (Tuesday, June 1, 3:00 pm)
- The Launch of the Photonic Integration Technology Center (Wednesday, June 2, 3:00 pm)
- FruitPunch AI talks about innovative AI projects in Healthcare (Thursday, June 3, 10:00 am)
- Guest lecture on Cyborgs with Studium Generale TU/e (Thursday, June 3, 12:40 pm)
- The Science and Tech online quiz (Thursday, June 3, 8:30 pm)
- In the Ripple remix party, student team VIRTUe talks about the house of the future (Friday, June 4, 3:00 pm)