Australian Eggs is supporting NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) in responding to a detection of avian influenza on an egg producing farm in North Western Sydney, New South Wales. Testing has confirmed the presence of the H7N8 strain of avian influenza which is different to the strain detected in Victoria in recent weeks.
The infected premises is now under quarantine. Steps to eradicate this virus have commenced along with a program of testing and tracing to monitor potential spread. As a separate strain of avian influenza the probable source is wild birds.
"Australia's wild birds are dishing up a tough winter for Australian Eggs farmers and the timing of this strain emerging is remarkable given the challenges we've faced in Victoria in recent weeks" said Rowan McMonnies, Managing Director of Australian Eggs.
"Our systems provide for early detection as the critical first step in getting on top of AI outbreaks and the industry will continue to support NSW as we step through the process".
"So much great work has been done in Victoria to contain cases of AI to a defined area and we expect to see a similar outcome in New South Wales".
"These new cases of avian influenza will cause further disruption to egg supply in some areas, but we're still a long way from a collapse in supply" said McMonnies.
"The natural threat of AI is ever present and the next few months will be challenging for Australian egg farms, but the industry will continue to work hard to ensure there's eggs on shelves" concluded McMonnies.