East Village Hits Rockhampton with RENT Set Arrival


The set arrived at the Pilbeam Theatre after a design and construction period of several weeks at set designer / builder Ross James' workshop in Wandal.

After unloading at the theatre, a team of backstage technical staff put it together in just under three days.

The set, along with lighting, music, costumes, props and, of course, performers, recreates the atmosphere of New York's East Village in the late 1980/early 1990s when the musical was set.

RENT director Amanda Hock said that the arrival of the set marks a milestone in the rehearsals for the musical.

"Having the set here now makes it all very real and very exciting," Amanda said.

"Up until this point in the rehearsal process the performers have been working with their imaginations, with guide marks on the floor and substitute pieces of furniture and props.

"But from now on they'll be working on the set that audiences will see when they come to the show. It really helps their performance track come to life. All of these characters need to 'live' in this environment, so it is imperative that they look and feel comfortable in this world.

"This also means that we are now on the downhill run to opening night on 21 March. I am really happy with where the cast is at this point. They look and sound fabulous. These characters are so beautiful and their stories are incredibly important to share," Amanda said.

The set has been designed and built by local set builder Ross James and his team, working with concepts devised by RENT Director Amanda Hock. Since establishing his business more than 15 years ago, Ross has designed and built sets that have been hired not only for local theatre productions but also Australia-wide.

Rockhampton Regional Council Communities, Culture and Heritage spokesperson Cr Drew Wickerson said:

"I am very much looking forward to seeing this production of RENT. This is an entirely local production from the creative team right through to the performers, band and backstage personnel. I am very proud that Council has been able to give those involved the opportunity to take part in such as professional level production.

"Another local involved in the production is set designer / builder Ross James and his team. Ross owns and operates a theatrical set building business and Council has hired the set from Ross for this show.

"There is obviously an economic benefit to be made by hiring a set, as opposed to custom-building our own. But from the perspective of our community, it is great to see a local business which employs local people, operating from a regional centre, servicing clients throughout Australia. Council is proud to support local businesses like this," he said.

Set in the East Village of New York City, RENT by Jonathan Larson, is about falling in love, finding your voice and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop culture phenomenon, with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences.

The show is an entirely local production, featuring eight lead actors, 21 supporting cast, a five piece band and many more in backstage and production areas.

RENT, directed by Amanda Hock, will be performed at the Pilbeam Theatre for five performances from 21-29 March. Tickets are now on sale. Rent contains coarse language, adult themes and drug and suicide reference and is suitable for ages 15+.

RENT is a Rockhampton Regional Council production, supported by CQ Today and the Friends of the Theatre.

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