Playing sport is a great way for kids to make friends and learn skills for life, and jumping into Ed Gym can be the first step.
Corangamite Shire Ed Gym is an active and structured gymnastics based program for pre-schoolers that aims to provide an exciting and fun-filled experience for all participants.
Sport and Recreation Trainee Dean Finlayson said Ed Gym helps to build confidence in young children by introducing them to social interaction and letting them test their physical limits.
"Having a parent nearby means the children feel safe while they play on the equipment and learn what they're capable of doing physically and how to solve problems," Mr Finlayson said.
"As their skills develop and they mix with other children, they gain confidence which will help them as they move on to kindergarten, then school and extracurricular activities like sporting clubs.
"The body awareness, balance, coordination and motor skills they develop at Ed Gym can start them on the way to other sports and the social and health benefits that an active, social lifestyle creates."
From Wednesday 5 February, two sessions will be conducted at Camperdown's Theatre Royal—on Wednesdays at 9:15 am and 10:30 am.
From Thursday 6 February a session will be conducted at Terang Stadium each Thursday at 9:30 am.
Classes are held during the school term only.
Fees per class are $5.80 for one child, $10.50 for two children, and $14 for three children from the same family. Term passes are available at a discounted price at the classes and the Civic Centre, 181 Manifold Street, Camperdown.