Bega Valley Shire Council advises that Eden Library will close for renovations from Wednesday 22 November and is expected to reopen on Tuesday 12 December.
Acting Library Services Coordinator, Linda Albertson said the renovations will remove an internal wall and replace the carpet to create a more inviting and usable space. It will also see an innovative new smart returns shelf installed.
"Customers are advised to stock up now and return items at any time by using the afterhours returns box, which will be emptied as normal," Ms Albertson said.
"Customers can continue to access our free WiFi connection from outside the building and the Eden Community Access Centre provides computers with internet.
"Our Library Link home delivery service will operate as normal and customers on a day out in Bega or Tura Beach will be able to use their cards for borrowing from these libraries."
Ms Albertson said now may be a good time for customers to familiarise themselves with the library's online services such as BorrowBox and Indyreads.
"These apps allow customers 24-hour access to countless eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines without stepping foot into a physical library and our staff can help customers access these easy-to-use services," Ms Albertson said.
"Our customers love coming to the Eden Library and we are excited to say their favourite library will be even better when we reopen."
For more information and to reserve items via phone, please call the Bega Valley Shire Library on (02) 6499 2451 or (02) 6499 2127.