Education Minister's Statement on School Reopening

Minister for Education and the Arts The Honourable John-Paul Langbroek

Statement from the Minister for Education regarding schools reopening

Reopening schools is a high priority as we recover from the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

More than 1,000 State, Catholic and Independent schools were closed across South East Queensland on 6-7 March.

As of 5pm today, 237 of 661 State schools are set to reopen on Monday 10 March.

From tomorrow, the majority of schools in the Sunshine Coast, Noosa, and Darling Downs council areas will reopen, except where there has been damage or an assessment has not been able to be conducted.

Due to ongoing severe weather, schools across the Gold Coast council area will remain closed on Monday.

Across the Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Redlands, Ipswich, Logan and Scenic Rim regions some schools are safe to reopen.

These have been assessed on a case-by-case basis following appropriate access and damage assessments.

Please check the Department of Education's school closures website, which lists schools that are closed at

The safety of staff, students, parents, carers, and broader school communities remains our highest priority.

School bus providers have indicated that where there are schools open on Monday, school bus services will be operating.

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