A new Efficiency and Productivity Unit (EPU) will be established to drive better service delivery across the State Service.
Treasurer, Guy Barnett, said the Government firmly believed that Tasmania needs to have the right-sized public service - one that operates as effectively and efficiently as possible, meets the needs of the community and provides value for money.
"We are focussed on increasing productivity to achieve better service delivery for Tasmanians," the Treasurer said.
The Unit – as foreshadowed in the Premier's State of the State Address – will be tasked with undertaking a comprehensive audit of all Government programs to ensure that the State Service is focused on things that matter to Tasmanians.
"We must ensure that every dollar spent is value for taxpayer money and we are not wasting resources on things that are not the priority," the Treasurer said.
"This Unit will enable us to structure Government more efficiently by better managing the capabilities and capacity of the workforce.
"By refocusing the State Service on the areas that Tasmanians deem a priority, we will deliver service improvements for all Tasmanians in the areas they care about, like health, education, and child safety - without the need for additional spending.
"It's what Tasmanians expect and deserve.
"We will also be working with the State Service to increase productivity and better focus the capacity and capabilities of the workforce, including through digital innovation."
In Economist Saul Eslake's recent report to Government it was recommended that evaluation into the efficiency and effectiveness of individual spending programs should occur as part of its ongoing management of the budget.
The EPU will report directly to the Premier and Treasurer.
The Government will appoint the members of the Unit shortly.