Eight Food Firms Expand in Southern Ontario

Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

Government of Canada supports food and beverage manufacturing companies to expand production, adopt new technologies and bring more food products to market

Ontario's food and beverage manufacturing sector is critically important, generating over $48 billion in annual revenues and providing jobs for more than 100,000 Ontarians. Investing in the expansion of businesses in this sector strengthens our economy and aligns with the Government of Canada's commitment to support our nation's food supply.

Today, on behalf of the Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, the Honourable Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development and Member of Parliament for Kanata-Carleton, visited Ottawa Valley Grain Products, a family-owned grain mill in the rural community of Carp, to announce a Government of Canada investment of $3 million to modernize and grow operations. This investment will support the company to adopt new equipment as it establishes a new grain mill in Almonte.

This is part of an $18.4 million dollar investment supporting eight food manufacturers across southern Ontario, including: Andriani Ltd., Aspire Bakeries, Baxter's Bakery, Demetres Manufactory, O'Doughs, Picard Peanuts and Schep's Bakeries. By expanding production capabilities and adopting new cutting-edge equipment, these companies are meeting growing demand for quality food products, creating skilled jobs and laying the foundation for future success. Additional information on these projects is included in the backgrounder.

Food processing companies in southern Ontario play a vital role in providing quality food options for Canadians and in promoting strong local economies. The Government of Canada is committed to working together to build a stronger, more sustainable future for food manufacturers in Canada.

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