Election-Year Budget: PBS Freeze, Newborn Screening Funds

Better Access Australia

Attached Release covers:

1. National newborn bloodspot screening - a failed election commitment

2. PBS co-payments and ensuring those who are struggling do not miss out

3. The continuing shortfall in women's health - let's get back to basics - contraception is both reproductive and prevention of cancer risk

4. NDIS - we have to make it sustainable and we welcome various reviews but means testing and co-pays are also needed consistent with aged care and health care

5. Blanket subsidies for all are flawed - we cannot make funds available for those most in need if we are handing out money for those who don't need it.

6. Continuous Glucose Monitoring- a tender running six months late - what is the risks for access for Australia's 2M diabetes patients?

7. So many health decisions not announced - watching and waiting for what will happen next

8. Support cheaper medicine costs for government to improve access for patients

9. Please see our broader 2024-25 budget submission and all we asked the Government to consider to improve access for those in need and take tough decisions on those who are fiscally secure.

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