Eltham North Car Park Upgrade Complete


Works to seal the car park at the Eltham North Adventure Playground and make access easier and safer are now complete.

As one of the Shire's most popular destinations, the playground and surrounding reserve attract many visitors, and during peak times, the gravel car park had become uneven and difficult to navigate.

The recent works included asphalting, line marking and improved drainage, all aimed to enhance safety and increase the number of parking spaces available.

Mayor John Dumaresq said the improvements would make a real difference for park visitors, sporting groups and school families.

"I appreciate that the works may have caused some inconvenience during busy times, so thank you for your patience. I hope you enjoy the benefits of the upgraded car park," Cr Dumaresq said.

In the coming months, work will begin on an upgrade at Eltham North Reserve, adding more parking bays to the precinct and improving accessibility for users.

To stay up to date with our projects and works, visit nillumbik.vic.gov.au/projects

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