An Emergency Alert Take Shelter Now has been issued to LAIDLEY area from the LOCKYER VALLEY REGIONAL COUNCIL as at 10pm on Sunday, March 9.
Council advises dangerous flooding is likely to occur in the area in the coming hours, and urges LAIDLEY residents to Take Shelter Now. Warn neighbours, secure belongings and take safe shelter, go to higher ground or leave the area.
Stay up to date with the latest warnings from the Bureau of Meteorology via
For more information, visit Lockyer Valley Disaster Dashboard at
For flood assistance, contact the SES on 132 500.
In a life-threatening emergency, dial Triple-Zero (000).
For assistance with a life-threatening situation phone Triple Zero (000) immediately.
For assistance with non-life-threatening situations - such as help with a damaged roof or storm damage - phone SES on 132 500.
Keep up to date with the latest weather advice at Queensland Warnings Summary (